Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Caroline said...

I don't know what the original scuplture looked like but I love your interpretation of it. I especially like the way you organised the sketch its almost as though the figure is speaking and what is coming out are fruits and flowers.

carla said...

Where is this sculpture? It has such an inscrutable expression...I think it's the mouth. This is so beautifully done...wonderful shading and feeling of mass. Is this pencil?

albina said...

This is a glorious drawing, some sketchbook you have!

Cream said...

A great sketch!
Some sort of Cornucopia?

Cate said...

Oh, my gosh, this is incredible! Everytime I come here, I just sort of shake my head--I don't know how you do it. Just KEEP ON doing it! xo

valerie walsh said...

you are so freakin talented pal!

Anonymous said...

this one is amazing!

Jaimie said...

what a beautiful drawing!

Unknown said...

Beautiful yet her face seems so uncertain as if she is trying to look back. What about you? Are you looking back or looking forward? I went and visited your monster again. You have some wonderful comments. I hope it helped to share and to heal. Thinking of you often. Take care

Ellen said...

This is a wonderful piece! I just wanted you to know I admire your work very much!

Dane said...

wow. I've seen you around DW every once in a while, but had no idea you were so awesome! these pics are terrific. Thanks for sharing!

TXArtcGal said...

This is beautiful!...the eyes are quite mesmerizing...and, the shading is awesome! Very nice!

Unknown said...

This is beautiful!! Love it!! He looks like a god from a mythical story!

LDahl said...

Caroline I really didn't do it justice! It was just incredible!

Carla, just a pencil sketch. I would love to find out more about it and the sculpturer.

Albina, mostly a bit of this and a little of that ...and then something truly horrid:)))

'ell000oooo to you Cookie, I love your song. Cheers me up!

cream, a Cornucopia with wings... I didn't get that far with the sketch.

Cate, I want to, but I think at this point I'm crashing and burning:))))


Brock, a dozen thanks!

chocolat And Jaimie...thank you both so much!

Toni Kelly, at the time of drawing, both, of course:))) Only trying to look forward now... I'm too tired to look back, it takes too much energy:)))

Ellen bless your heart:)

Danedawg99, hey fellow DW'r! Thanks for stopping by... loved your Monkey logo... it looks like one of the Bad Monkeys from Oz. Happy belated Birthday, wishing you many more!

TXArtcGal, thanks, I wish now that I had drawn more of it, it was part animal... very rectangular, with great mass and detail.

Alina Chau, it was a dream and it was one of those things that just took my breath away!

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Your sketches continue to be breathtaking and varied! Simply astonishing.

Your versatility is just astonishing. I don't know ... It's hard to imagine.

LDahl said...

Chuang Shyue Chou, it's sometimes hard to live with too:)))
Thank you for making me feel like it is something special instead of "just me, flying all over the place".

Jeannetto said...

wow, grear work!

Jeannetto said...

... or great, rather.

LDahl said...

Jeannette, thanks! But you should have seen the sculpture...superb, powerful and mysterious...like something from a Grecian dream.