Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Pumpkinhead II


Anonymous said...

This pumpkinhead looks mischievous!!

Anonymous said...

on the contrary snakes and spiders scare me a lot (and pumpkinheads too!!!) thanks for your kind and funny comment. both your pumpkink words are great!

LDahl said...

Oh he is, yes! So happy to see/not see you tonight. It's WWoooonsoooome around here without you.

LDahl said...

Hi Aynaku... I can outrun the spiders and the main poisones snake(Western diamondback rattlesnake) warns you before it makes you sorry you crossed his path... but sharks sneak up and rip off your good swimming leg before you know what's hit you. Oh and bears can outrun you and will rip off your good running leg when they catch you!!!:)))
Pumpkin heads can't run at fall and it's all over for them!!

Cream said...

He definitely looks mischievous as if he's just played a trick on someone.

Lydia Sanchez said...

I like your cartoon style, it's very interesntig. I live the colour. Keep it up, see you!

Michelle Lana said...

Thank you for the wonderful message, LDAHL...I really appreciate it...your work is great! take care.

Caroline said...

What a cheeky pumpkin! Has he had a lobotomy?

andrea said...

What Caroline said! :) It's like Halloween in December! Love it.

LDahl said...

Cream, Little Loki Pumpkinhead? I'm needing a name if you can't tell:)

Ethe thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it!

Michelle Lana, I meant it:) Thanks for stopping by!

Caroline! He's had a triple lobotomy and a complete gut-ectomy, vaccinated against e-coli and crowpox. Needless to say, no zombie on a brain-hungry quest, will have the slightest interest in him. The perfect pet except for a marked susceptibility to mold, mildew and the heartbreak of psoriasis.

Hi Andrea... it is Halloween around here still... it's only fair...xmas stuff gets done in the late spring and early summer.
So , Merry Christmas and happy halloween to you and yours:)

tlchang said...

Loki Pumpkinhead! I love it. Fun autumnal stuff.

Thanks for checking in on me.

carla said...

This one is very adorable! He seems to have found inner peace:>

LDahl said...

Tara, did I say I had a few days off...well that got blown out of the water big time. Loki at work, chaos in action!
Sounds like you had better get a day or two off before you blow!

Carla he has found innard pieces, but can't put them back... no guts:)))

Merisi said...

I would guess Pumpkinhead II is a sweet two and a half year old (sweet, but always ready for a little mischief or 2 1/2).
Was nice having visiting my blog.
Greetings from Vienna,

Todd DeWolf said...

Love it. He looks like he is just waiting for Halloween to come back around. Excellent work. I especially love the detail on the teeth. Cheers!

Unknown said...

this guy is kinda cute, but that grimace is kind of frightening !
More please :)

Anonymous said...

fun photo; he looks very 3-D!

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Are pumpkinheads meant to be scary? I'm just wondering. It's part of a set of American folklore, right? Has it got roots in European mythology?

tlchang said...

Just checking in - hope you are well!

Anonymous said...

Have a woooonderful weeeeeek!!!!

LDahl said...

Merisi, your blog is one of my favorite places, through your eyes Vienna seems to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. (It may just be your vision of Vienna)
Thanks for your comment, these are just as you say, toddlers:)

Hello Holly... it's a long time 'till next Halloween, I wonder what mischief they will get into in the meantime:))))

Scott Altmann, thank you! That grimace is from the 40's pumpkin head.... I would love to have a collection of them(or at least 3! I don't know why but it (grimace) makes me smile. I guess it reminds me of how I feel about every other day:)))) More? Sure! I've got an idea for another one.... but He'll have to wait a bit as I've got a little too much to do around here right now.

AscenderRisesAbove, thank you... just Corel 2d, nothing fancy.

Chuang, you really make me stop and think(now that's scary!) I just was interested in antique German papermache pumpkin decorations... and made these ... I guess you could say their "roots" are in my pumpkin patch! (no, I don't think they are meant to be scary, just little characters in a scary world)

tlc illustration, Thank you for checking on me... and yes I'm a bit under the weather right now... No biggie, just the "BUG" that's going around.

Anonymous, my favorite Haunt! Thank you for your visit! I am having a lovely day, even though it is cold, grey and I'm too sicky to shop and it looks like the Holidays are going to be a disaster around here...(so what's new? *giggle* ) Here's to you and yours! (raises green-tea cup) Many more and many more! Wooooooooooo!

Anonymous said...

WooHooooooooooo! MWAHAHAHAHA };-}