Saturday, April 03, 2010

Liars club

I have been given this award by Andrew of
Andrew Finnie: Andrew Finnie, Artist and Illustrator

Thank you Andrew... I think. Nah, I'm tickled as not
everyone is a bold face....uhm, creative writer. 



1. I robbed a bank vault when I was a kid,
and got away with it.
2. My second cousin cut my third finger off 
my right hand with scissors when I was five.
3. Gypsies kidnapped me and stole 
my first home.
4. My Dad and I found a complete
skeleton in a prospector's shack in 
the desert. He said if I ever told my 
mother he wouldn't take me with him 
to check out stuff anymore.
5. I won my first Purple ribbon at the
State Fair for scratch baking when I 
was eight. I entered my white cake
with strawberry icing.
6. The King of Sweden visited a town
14 miles from here, I got to shake his
hand. So I have had the privilege of 
shaking the hand of a past President 
and a King.
7. I recently learned one of my Barbies 
I had since I was a kid would be worth
21 thousand dollars if it was still in the
box. As it is, it is only worth about 
seven thousand dollars.

There you have it. Which are the Whoppers and
which one is the truth? Can you tell?

I will with fear and trepidation present these 
Blogger friends with this burden special award. 

Guyana-Gyal Guyana
She is well equipped to handle this Award.

Val Walsh ValGal Art
Because she will forgive me, I think!

Donn Homo Escapeons
He says he's quit blogging, maybe this
will tempt him to come back.

Albina Out of Hands
Revenge for yummy post!

Simon Bits and Bobs
He's on vacation and I'll be
able to hide before he finds out.

Andrea Coloring Outside the Lines
So you will visit her and see her
paintings she has for sale.

Merlin Princesse  Photos Reflexions Creations
She has a great sense of humor.

Thanks again Andrew, it was embarrassing fun!
It was fun.

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth.
5. Nominate seven "Creative Writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.


William Bezek said...

From what I've read here, I'd say they are all true.

Andrew Finnie said...

Aha! So you weren't resting on your laurels. Later today I will go through these BFL's with a tooth comb and maketh my choice :)

Romeo Morningwood said...

Thank You L,
you are very generous but I feel as though I have consistently repeated myself for quite some time now and need to clean up my mess before I can expand upon my encyclopedic ignorance of Life.


albina said...

Thank you, my friend...Give me a few days before I can come up with some clever lies :) I was entertained by your post in it's entirety ...and as far as I can tell ALL of it is TRUE...I am most curious about 2 and 3, though:) Have a lovely weekend!!!

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Oooh oooh, I love this one, I luuuuve it.
Andrew, this is the most fun award given out!
I can't wait to start telling some wild tales.
I'll get to it this weekend, as soon as I finish a freelance writing assignment.
Now, I'm going to see which of your stories are true or not.
I haven't gotten over your New Year's Eve tall tale.....

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

# 4 - is that the true one?

LDahl said...

I'm here...just being quiet so I don't give anything away! :)))

Andrew Finnie said...

. I robbed a bank vault when I was a kid,and got away with it.

Well, I'm tempted by this one, as the percentage of children who rob banks and get away with it is quite high.

2. My second cousin cut my third finger off my right hand with scissors when I was five.

And yet you are still a remarkable typist?

3. Gypsies kidnapped me and stole
my first home.

Hah. They were first home kidnappers. I can believe this of banks...

4. My Dad and I found a complete
skeleton in a prospector's shack in
the desert. He said if I ever told my mother he wouldn't take me with him to check out stuff anymore.

Hmm, this is promising. I think the word 'complete' gives it away though. As prospectors never have complete skeletons in the movies...

5. I won my first Purple ribbon at the State Fair for scratch baking when I was eight. I entered my white cake with strawberry icing.

Well this is making me hungry and I am on a diet so it can't be true.

6. The King of Sweden visited a town 14 miles from here, I got to shake his hand. So I have had the privilege of shaking the hand of a past President and a King.

Well there are less adjectives in this, apart from the fact that your blink rate was stable while you typed this.

7. I recently learned one of my Barbies I had since I was a kid would be worth 21 thousand dollars if it was still in the box. As it is, it is only worth about
seven thousand dollars.

Come on! My most expensive barbie is only worth $900!

I'm guessing number 5 :)

Ps thanks for being a sport

LDahl said...

Oh, tee-hee giggle giggle Andrew!

simon said...

hahahaha! hi lilah- I am stuck in the UK because of this volcano in Iceland- great post btw!

merlinprincesse said...

Thanks for the award, my friend! :) For me... I think the true one is number 6.... :) But the number 7 is funny.... I still have my first Barbie.... the same as yours... hehehhe... WITHOUT THE BOX... BLAH! But since she has no hair and her head has been cut... I was a sadistic little girl... I still have my complete Allan (Ken's friend) with the box though... I wonder how valuable it is ..mmmmmm.... :)
I will try to do a post, but will not tag seven people... I will tell you when I will do it! :)

LDahl said...

Simon and MP, I'm happy that you don't sound inclined to inflict painful blows upon my person for including you in the fun. I truly am looking forward to seeing your outrageous offerings! :)))

LDahl said...

Simon, it sounds like you may have to go home by boat!

Andrew Finnie said...

Now, now, no more resting on the Laurels. As you said, they are sharp. We might have to send the medusa after you :)

albina said...

I am NOT there yet -- I clearly can't differentiate between real and hmmm... imagined. All my friends (including you) are imaginary. I may just go and drive to Kansas one of these days to see if you exist, because if I was not so slow, I could have met Anon...but I was too slow. Soooooooooo, no truths (or lies) YET. See, slow.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I haven't forgotten this tall-tale award, I love it so much...I still have some free-lance writing to finish [so what am I doing, reading blogs?? procrastinating??]. I have some reeeeally tall tales to tell.

tlchang said...

Heh - all good ones LDahl. I am totally hoping that #2 is so not true and that #4 is. :-) (although if I had to guess, I'd go with #6).

LDahl said...

Andrew is wanting answers! Soon, soon!

No hurry on doing your own whoppers... sometimes it is just fun taking your time and going over options.

Tara, have you ever bet on greyhounds? I'm going to get the back half of this challenge done. Now where to put it, hmmm...

LDahl said...

Albina, I am not imaginary. *Pinch pinch* quite real in fact. Not even a little fading around the edges!
Real I tell you! :))))
Though I think I know how you feel.

Andrew Finnie said...

Heh, thanks for your kind comment on my blog the other day. When I find it I will thanks it in person.

Now isn't about time you got to work ? :)

LDahl said...

Slave driver! My scanner isn't speaking to my computer at this point in time. :D Love your new avatar. My son says Face Book is killing the internet..... he may be right.