Monday, October 29, 2007

Turning The Corner

It is the prank playing, mask wearing season of illusion.

Trick or treat, sweet or sour?
You won't know
'till the midnight hour.
Games are for children, how absurd!
Fourteen letters, what is the word?

Merlinprincesse has unscrambled
the word and won!

“Do you not know that there comes a midnight hour
when every one has to throw off his mask?


Cream said...

L, one maƱana too many nearly threw me off...

Anonymous said...

It's a TRICK ... all a trick!!! BEWARE .... mwhahahhaaa ...

Pretty though :)

albina said...

Can't play, but love to watch!!!

LDahl said...

Hello to three of my favorite people!
It is cold windy and dusty here today, I'm feeling all itchy and off.
I really need to get focused and get something done, but first I will finish my tea and blog for a bit. Albina your trips this summer make me so jealous and of course, Cream...yours did too:))) But that fancy wedding I couldn't have handled. I bet you looked smashing:)
Anonamouse...(hehhe) Jack is gorgeous but I am smitten by your black and white Lord Birds. Dashing and debonair. If Vincent Price was a bird, he would be one of them.

LDahl said...

Oh, it isn't clever enough to be a trick and all the clues are right there...I really thought it would be too easy.

Anonymous said...

We must have all turned into zombies for Halloween! MWHAHHAHHAAA *braindead birdbrains*

simon said...

turned? ;o)

merlinprincesse said...

There is a word in Englich that has 14 letters? mmmm..... What could it be....Halloween!!!! nope....only nine.... Prevarications would fit... Is it a word? :)

merlinprincesse said...


vfm4 said...

i could never ever answer that riddle...



LDahl said...

Happy Halloween Hellcat!

Simon...heheh! How's it going Down Under?

Merlinprincesse YOU WIN!!
Happy Halloween!

Vfm4 it's great to see you again!

merlinprincesse said...

Hheheh! Happy Halloween to you too! :)

tlchang said...

In terms of art and imagination - I don't think art and personal masks are necessarily synonymous. Good art, *real* art illuminates and reveals truth, rather than obscures it. Madeleine L'Engle is quoted as saying (in reference to writing, but I think it applies to visual art as well): "truth goes beyond the facts-- non-fiction is indeed truthful, but it is not the only way of knowing truth. Fact is a subset of truth. Fiction is another way of sharing something true."

There. Your thought for the day. :-)

LDahl said...

Tara, and a very good thought it is!
I think sometimes art layers several "truths" together and makes a deeper truth.